A game of awareness and skill

Training in cybersecurity is the backbone of a well-defended organization. It is not just about learning the most common cyber attacks, but also about developing a reflex to act safely in the digital space.

In today's digital world, cybersecurity is not only a responsibility of IT specialists, but of everyone within an organization. A cybersecurity awareness game is an innovative way to engage employees at all levels in strengthening digital security. Below, we explore the crucial elements of Cyber Crime The Game.

1. Cybersecurity awareness training

Awareness is the first step toward change. Cybersecurity awareness training ensures that employees recognize risks and know how to respond to threats, such as phishing and ransomware. But how do you get employees excited about creating this awareness? Why is training important?

Training is essential because it equips employees with knowledge and tools to recognize and respond appropriately to cyber threats. It increases overall security and reduces the likelihood of successful attacks. Everyone has the same baseline after playing the game.

2. Cybersecurity course

A structured cybersecurity course provides employees with the knowledge they need to protect themselves and their organization from cyber attacks. All the cyber hygiene is wrapped up in a game. Through gamification and interactivity, learning becomes fun, leading to higher and longer absorption of information and a greater willingness to participate in training.

3. Cybersecurity learning

Continuing to learn about cybersecurity is an ongoing process. The threat landscape is constantly changing, and it is important that employees stay up-to-date with the latest security trends and techniques.

Cyber Crime The Game provides a minimal foundation and gets your employees excited and curious for more. Awareness of cyber awareness makes room for the understanding to repeat this information. In fact, repetition is a crucial process in cyber awareness.

4. Cybersecurity e-learning

E-learning allows employees to learn about cybersecurity at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is essential for maintaining flexibility and encouraging self-study.

With Cyber Crime The Game, we have developed a game that can be played modularly online, at everyone's own pace. Would you like to spread the 4 levels over 5 days? That too is among the possibilities.

5. Cybersecurity management

Effective cybersecurity management involves a strategy that not only responds to incidents, but also prevents them through proactive measures. Hence, we are fully committed to the proactive part.

At the same time, we realize ourselves that there are plenty of e-learning providers offering this on a large scale. So why take Cyber Crime The Game? Simple: by playing this game, employees become so excited and at the same time aware of what tricks malicious people are using, that they will be persuaded to follow further repetition exercises (with attention) (without grumbling).

More about the levels

1. Hacker Anonymity/Security: employees step into the shoes of a "hacker." They learn to understand how hackers operate and how anonymity affects their operations. This is crucial to understanding "why is it difficult to find out where these hackers actually are"?

2. Phishing: learning to recognize and avoid phishing attacks can prevent common security incidents. Phishing is the most common method of social engineering to actually infiltrate companies. Hence, attention to this topic should not be missed.

3. Ransomware: knowledge of how ransomware works and how to prevent it is indispensable in today's cyber landscape. Ultimately, employees need to understand the possible consequences of any wrong doing on their part. They also gain insight about how "easy" it is to get/install ransomware these days.

4. CEO fraud: create awareness of how fraudsters pose as high-ranking executives to obtain sensitive information or cause financial damage. There are multiple CEOs in the world of the same company. When that is clear to employees, they naturally start acting on it.

For whom.

This game is designed for employees regardless of their level of experience with cybersecurity. It can be used during a kick-off cyber security awareness campaign, when onboarding new employees, to build support for the fight against cybercrime or as a group activity.

By learning through play, employees build the skills needed to strengthen the digital front line and protect the organization from the ever-changing threats of cybercrime.