Phishing mails
Phishing mails
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Cyber Crime

Cybercrime and Social Engineering. A global problem. Two concepts that are seamlessly linked. You are the enabler of a hack. Ignorance. Influence. Sloppiness. A hack has taken place before you realize it.

Immerse yourself in our story with Cyber Crime The Game and learn about the dark side of the Internet. Put yourself in the shoes of a hacker and learn about the human side of cybercrime. Do you think you are already hack proof?

The Game

Impact Cyber Crime The Game

Cyber Crime The Game
E-learning or workshop
Cyber Crime The Game + Aftercare

"Well-applied game dynamics can result in improved worker engagement with training, an increase in organizational application of lessons, expansion of the comprehension of application of concepts, more efficient workflow, integration of more group activities such as crowdsourcing and brainstorming, increased knowledge retention, and a reduction of work apathy."

ISC2 - CISSP Official Study Guide

"Security awareness training also commonly incorporates elements of gamification, designed to make training more enjoyable and help users retain the message of the compaign."

CISM Study Guide

Tested by 100+ Cyber Crime experts

"Just a quick feedback: last Friday we did the Cyber Crime Game and it was a great success! Tough questions: out of 5 teams (4-5 people), 1 team finished the serious game within the 2 hours we gave for it (some teams continued after to finish it) But that was just right, it shouldn't be too easy ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for all the support!" Maira van Andel Eindhoven โ€“ 27 personen
"The game provided a realistic simulation of cyber attacks and the resulting challenges that modern businesses face. Participants faced different scenarios ranging from phishing attacks to ransomware incidents. The game put our team in the shoes of cybersecurity experts and forced us to make strategic decisions to protect our virtual organization. Very interesting and exciting!" Femke van der Linden Utrecht โ€“ 154 personen
"Thank you for the fun afternoon yesterday. The game was very fun, a great online activity to create more awareness around Cyber Crime. We quickly noticed that there was still something for us to learn. Through gamification this will definitely stick with our employees. Great!" Jorn Roijen Maastricht โ€“ 45 personen

Your wake up call for cyber awareness!

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